Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Invading Privacy: Can it be Justified?

I feel that is OK to invade someone's privacy depending on what type of situation it was. In Hamlet, I feel that it was not OK for Polonius to steal Hamlet's love letter to Ophelia and read it to Claudius because that is Ophelia's and Hamlet's relationship and quite frankly, it's no one's business, but theirs.

For instance, one way that is justified to invade someone's privacy is if you are still living in your parent's home and they pay for your phone bill, I feel that they have the right to check your text messages if they're suspicious of their child selling drugs or such things like that. They pay for your phone and you live under their roof, therefore they have the right to invade your privacy to an extent. Now if there was an instance where the parents' daughter has a diary or a journal I feel that there is no way to justify to go through the child's diary.

Also another way that it is OK to invade someone's privacy if there is a suspicion that dangerous activity may occur. For example, if there is a group of kids that is planning to bring guns to a school or something like that, then i feel it is alright for the cops, parents, or principal to invade the kids' privacy for the safety of others.

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